ESDRecordCustomerInvoice Properties |
The ESDRecordCustomerInvoice type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
accountDiscountRate | Percentage rate discounted off the invoice monetary total. | |
accountTerritory | Territory associated with the customer account | |
billingAddress1 | First address field associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingAddress2 | Second address field associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingAddress3 | Third address field associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingContact | Name of the contact person at the address associated with the billing of the invoiced. | |
billingCountryCodeISO2 | Code of the country of the address associated with the billing of the invoice as a two digit code by the ISO standards. | |
billingCountryCodeISO3 | Code of the country of the address associated with the billing of the invoice as a three digit code by the ISO standards. | |
billingCountryName | Name of the country of the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingDescription | Description of the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingEmail | Email address at the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingFax | Fax number at the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingOrgName | Name of the organisation that the invoiced goods are being billing to | |
billingPhone | Phone number at the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingPostcode | Postcode of the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
billingRegionName | Name of the region/state/province of the address associated with the billing of the invoice. | |
createdDate | Date that the invoice was created. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
currencyISOCode | Currency that all monetary amounts of the invoice are made with. This currency code must be the 3 digit ISO currency code. | |
customerAccountCode | Code of the customer account, may or not be a unique identifier of the account. human known identifier of the customer account. | |
customerAccountName | Name of the customer account. Could be an organisation name, person's name, or an other label. | |
customerAuthorityNumberLabels | list of Labels for the customer authority numbers. Ensure that the array length is the same as the authorityNumbers property, or left empty | |
customerAuthorityNumbers | Authority numbers of the customer of the invoice. | |
customerAuthorityNumberTypes | list of authority number types matching the customer authority numbers. If set must use the ESDocumentConstants that are prefixed with "AUTHORITY_NUM_". Ensure that the array length is the same as the authorityNumbers property, or left empty. | |
customerEntity | Type of entity purchasing goods/services in the invoice. Set it to one of the constants in the ESDocumentConstants class prefixed with ENTITY_TYPE_ | |
customerInvoiceCode | Code of the customer invoice, may or may not be a unique identifier, the code may be made up of the customer invoice number and any prefix or suffix text | |
customerInvoiceNumber | Number of the customer invoice, may or may not be a unique identifier | |
customerOrgName | Name of the organisation who is the customer of the invoice. | |
customerPersonName | Name of the person who is the customer of the invoice. | |
deliveryAddress1 | First delivery address field that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryAddress2 | Second delivery address field that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryAddress3 | Third delivery address field that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryContact | Name of the contact person at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryCountryCodeISO2 | Code of the country at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to as a 2 digit code by ISO standards. | |
deliveryCountryCodeISO3 | Code of the country at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to as a 3 digit code by ISO standards. | |
deliveryCountryName | Name of the country at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryDescription | Description of the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryEmail | Email of the contact person at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryFax | Fax number at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryOrgName | Name of the organisation at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryPhone | Phone number at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryPostcode | Post code of the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
deliveryPurchaseOrderCode | Code of the purchase order to include in the delivery information, that is contains the code of the purchase order relevant to the delivery receiver | |
deliveryRegionName | Name of the region/state/province at the address that the invoiced goods are being delivered to | |
dispatchedDate | Date that the invoiced goods were sent out. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
drop | Data Record OPeration. Denotes an operation that may need to be performed on the record when it is being processed.
Set null, or it to one of the ESD_RECORD_OPERATION constants in the ESDocumentConstants class to allow the record to be inserted, updated, deleted, or ignored. | |
eCommerceSystemID | ID of the associated Ecommerce system where the invoice was created. Ideally each system s its own unique identifier, formatted such as ORG_NAME.SYSTEM_NAME | |
eCommerceUserID | ID of the user in the associated Ecommerce system where the invoice was created. | |
eCommerceUserName | Name of the user in the associated Ecommerce system where the order was created. Ideally this is to a label of the user, and not the credentials used for a user to login (since that could be a security issue passing around such information). | |
Email address for the invoice. | ||
externalKeyLocationID | key of the external location where the products for the invoice can be found. This external location may be the location where goods are being delivered to or held at. | |
externalLocationCode | Code of the external location. This external location may be the location where goods are being delivered to or held at. | |
externalLocationName | Name of the external location. This external location may be the location where goods are being delivered to or held at. | |
freightCarrierAccountCode | Code of the account in the freight carrier's system | |
freightCarrierCode | Code of the freight carrier delivering the invoiced goods | |
freightCarrierConsignCode | Consignment code issued by the freight carrier to delivery the invoiced goods | |
freightCarrierName | Name of the freight carrier delivering the invoiced goods | |
freightCarrierServiceCode | Code of the service provided by the freight carrier to deliver the invoiced goods | |
freightCarrierTrackingCode | Code to track the freight carrier delivering the invoiced goods | |
freightSystemRefCode | Reference code to the system used to process the freight invoice | |
fullyPaidDate | Date that the invoice was fully paid. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
instructions | Text describing instructions on how to handle the invoice. | |
internalID | Stores an identifier that is relevant only to the system referencing and storing the record for its own needs. | |
isDropship |
| |
isMultiLocation |
| |
isProductsDelivered |
| |
keyCustomerAccountID | Key of the customer account record that is assigned to the invoice. The customer indicates the the entity supplying the invoice. | |
keyCustomerInvoiceID | Key that allows the customer invoice record to be uniquely identified and linked to. | |
keyLocationID | key of the location where the products for the invoice can be found. The key stores the unique identifier of the location. The location may be a warehouse, site, office or other location. | |
keyPaymentTypeID | Key of the payment type record that is associated to the payment. The payment type record indicates how the payment was made for the invoice. | |
keySalesOrderID | Key of the sales order record that allows the customer invoice record to be linked to an associated sales order originally raised | |
keySalesRepID | Key of the sales representative record linked to the customer invoice. May indicate the person, organisation or other entity who raised the invoice, or sold the goods/services for the supplier | |
lines | List of lines stored against the invoice. Each line specifies a product, labour, download or text line stored within the invoice. | |
locationCode | Code of the location | |
locationName | Name of the location | |
modifiedDate | Date that the customer invoice was last modified. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
paymentAmount | Monetary amount paid for the invoice. | |
paymentDueDate | Date that the invoice is due to be paid. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
paymentMethod | Method on how the invoice is being paid for. The field must be one of the ESDocumentConstants class's constants prefixed by PAYMENT_METHOD_ | |
paymentProprietaryCode | Code the proprietary system that is used as the payment method for the invoice. | |
paymentReceipt | Number that contains a reference to the payment applied against the invoice | |
payments | List of payment lines to the invoice. Each payment line indicates the amount paid by the customer against the invoice. | |
paymentStatus | Status indicating how the invoice has been paid for. Set it to one of the ESDocumentConstants constants in the class prefixed with PAYMENT_STATUS_ | |
processedDate | Date that the invoice was processed. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
purchaseOrderNumber | Number of the customer's purchase order that may be associated to the customer invoice. This may be used for referencing purposes. | |
purchaserSystemCode | Code of the system that the purchasing entity stores its data within. | |
purchaserSystemID | ID of the system that the purchasing entity stores its data within. | |
purchaserSystemName | Name of the system that the purchasing entity stores its data within. | |
receivedDate | Date that the invoiced goods were received. Date is in the form of a number in milliseconds since the 01-01-1970 12:00am Epoch in UTC time-zone | |
salesOrderCode | Code of the sales order record that may be linked to the customer invoice | |
salesOrderNumber | Number of the sales order record that may be linked to the customer invoice | |
salesRepCode | Code of the sales representative | |
salesRepIndividual |
| |
salesRepName | Name of the sales representative. It could be the name of the organisation, person, or other entity who raised in the invoice, or sold the goods/services for the supplier | |
sellerSystemCode | Code of the system that the selling entity stores its data within. | |
sellerSystemID | ID of the system that the selling entity stores its data within. | |
sellerSystemName | Name of the system that the selling entity stores its data within. | |
sentDate | Date that the invoice was sent | |
shippingMethod | Method that the invoice is being shipped by | |
surcharges | List of surcharge lines stored against the invoice. Each surcharge indicates a charge applied against the invoice | |
totalDownloads | Total number of download lines in the invoice | |
totalLabour | Total number of labour lines in the invoice | |
totalLines | Total number of lines in the invoice. | |
totalPriceExTax | Total monetary price of the invoice exclusive of tax | |
totalPriceIncTax | Total monetary price of the invoice inclusive of tax | |
totalPriceUndiscountedExTax | Total monetary amount of the invoice before discounts were applied, exclusive of taxes. This amount may be useful when showing discounts applied to an order. | |
totalPriceUndiscountedIncTax | Total monetary amount of the invoice before discounts were applied, inclusive of taxes. This amount may be useful when showing discounts applied to an order. | |
totalPriceUndiscountedTax | Total monetary amount of taxes applied to the invoice before discounts were applied. This amount may be useful when showing discounts applied to an order. | |
totalProducts | Total number of product lines in the invoice | |
totalSurchargeExTax | Total monetary amount of surcharges applied to the invoice exclusive of taxes | |
totalSurchargeIncTax | Total monetary amount of surcharges applied to the invoice inclusive of taxes | |
totalSurchargeItems | Total number of surcharges applied to the invoice | |
totalSurchargeTax | Total monetary amount of taxes applied to surcharges in the invoice | |
totalTax | Total monetary amount of taxes applied to the invoice | |
totalVolume | Total volume of the invoiced goods | |
totalVolumeMeasureCode | Code of the unit of measure for the volume. Set it to a constant prefixed with UNIT_MEASURE_VOLUME_ in the ESDocumentConstants class | |
totalWeight | Total weight of the invoiced goods | |
totalWeightMeasureCode | Code of the unit of measure for the weight. Set it to a constant prefixed with UNIT_MEASURE_MASS_ in the ESDocumentConstants class |