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ESDRecordSupplierAccountAddress Properties

The ESDRecordSupplierAccountAddress type exposes the following members.

Public propertyaddress1
First address field. Typically this could be a unit number or street number.
Public propertyaddress2
Second address field. Typically this could be the street name.
Public propertyaddress3
Third address field. Typically this could be the suburb, city or town.
Public propertycontact
Name of the person who can be contacted at the address.
Public propertycountry
Name of the country that the address exists within.
Public propertydescription
Description of the supplier account address. This may be used as a label to help a person identify with the address.
Public propertydrop
Data Record OPeration. Denotes an operation that may need to be performed on the record when it is being processed. Set null, or set it to one of the ESD_RECORD_OPERATION constants in the ESDocumentConstants class to allow the record to be inserted, updated, deleted, or ignored.
Public propertyfax
Fax number of the address. Its preferable to set fax numbers that can be dialled from anywhere internationally.
Public propertyfreightCode
Code that denotes the freight location or freight data associated to the address.
Public propertyinternalID
Stores an identifier that is relevant only to the system referencing and storing the record for its own needs.
Public propertyisDelivery
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that the address may be used by the supplier account where it delivers goods from.
Public propertyisPrimary
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that the address is the primary address assigned to the supplier account. Typically a primary address would be the account's billing address.
Public propertykeyAddressID
Key that allows the supplier account address record to be uniquely identified and linked to.
Public propertykeySupplierAccountID
Key of the supplier account record that the address record is linked to.
Public propertyorgName
Name of the organisation that the address is associated to.
Public propertyphone
Phone number of the address. Its preferable to set phone numbers that can be dialled from anywhere internationally.
Public propertypostcode
Postcode or zipcode of the address.
Public propertyregion
Name of the region/province/state that the address exists within.
See Also