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ESDRecordDownload Class

Ecommerce Standards Record that holds data for a single download. A download represents a piece of digital information, that may be stored, sold, or transferred.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EcommerceStandardsDocuments
Assembly:  EcommerceStandardsDocuments.Library (in EcommerceStandardsDocuments.Library.dll) Version: (

The ESDRecordDownload type exposes the following members.

Public methodESDRecordDownload
Initializes a new instance of the ESDRecordDownload class
Public propertyaverageCost
Monetary value that denotes the average cost to purchase a single download unit.
Public propertybrand
Branding of the download.
Public propertydescription1
First description of the download. May contain any text used to describe the download.
Public propertydescription2
Second description of the download. May contain any text used to describe the download.
Public propertydescription3
Third description of the download. May contain any text used to describe the download.
Public propertydescription4
Fourth description of the download. May contain any text used to describe the download.
Public propertydownloadClass
Class of the download. A class may contain any text that can be set for multiple downloads as a classifier of the type of download.
Public propertydownloadCode
Code of the download. May or may not be a unqiue identifier.
Public propertydownloadKey
key that allows the file to be accessed and downloaded
Public propertydownloadLocation
location where the data can be downloaded from
Public propertydownloadLowQuantity
The amount of download units that indicate when the download is no longer available.
Public propertydownloadNoneQuantity
The amount of download units that indicate when the download is no longer available.
Public propertydownloadQuantity
The amount of download units that are available for purchase.
Public propertydownloadSearchCode
Code that allows the download to searched on. This search code may or may not be unique, and would typically contain key words that allows the download to be found.
Public propertydownloadSize
Size of the download, in bytes.
Public propertydrop
Data Record OPeration. Denotes an operation that may need to be performed on the record when it is being processed. Set null, or set it to one of the ESD_RECORD_OPERATION constants in the ESDocumentConstants class to allow the record to be inserted, updated, deleted, or ignored.
Public propertyinternalID
Stores an identifier that is relevant only to the system referencing and storing the record for its own needs.
Public propertyisKitted
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates download is a kit, and is representative of a number of individual downloads bundled together.
Public propertyisPriceTaxInclusive
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that any pricing set for the download is inclusive of tax applied to the price, based the rate of taxcode assigned to the download.
Public propertykeyDownloadID
Key that allows the download record to be uniquely identified and linked to.
Public propertykeyTaxcodeID
Key of the Taxcode record that the download is assigned to. The taxcode may control the amount of tax applied to the download.
Public propertykitSetPrice
Either 'N'-No or 'Y'-Yes If 'Y' then indicates that if the download is marked as a kit then when its pricing is calculated, that the pricing assigned to the download is for the cost of kit. If 'N' then indicated that if the download is marked as a kit then when its pricing is calculated, that the price of the download should be calculated by combining the price of all the component downloads assigned to the kit.
Public propertyname
Name of the download
Public propertyordering
Number to order the download by. This may be used to order a number of downloads within a list.
Public propertysupplier
Label of the supplier that the download is purchased from.
Public propertyUNSPSC
United Nations Standard Products and Service Code. Stores a standard code defined by the United Nations classifying objects.
See Also