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Learn how to create conversations and message people individually, or in groups within the SQUIZZ.com platform

The SQUIZZ.com platform allows you to create conversations and communicate with people such as friends, family, work colleagues, business contacts, and any other people signed up to the platform. Conversations work like "group chat" or "instant messaging" where multiple people can be added to a conversation, then see and add any messages posted within the conversation. Conversations can also be used to share files with other people in a secure and confidential way.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Create A Conversation
  3. Add A Person To A Conversation
  4. Remove A Person Or Yourself From A Conversation
  5. Post A Message In A Conversation
  6. Set An Organisation And Employment Title To Post Messages As
  7. Like, Acknowledge or Dislike A Conversation Message
  8. Assign a conversation to a Conversation Group
  9. Add A File Attachment To A Conversation
  10. Remove A File Attachment From A Conversation
  11. Listen/Un-listen To A Conversation
  12. Next Steps


Before reading on please ensure that you have understood the following topics:

Create A Conversation

To create a conversation within the SQUIZZ.com platform you first must have been signed up to the platform. Once done follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Conversations menu icon in the top header bar.
  3. Click on the New Conversation button.
  4. In the Subject text field type in a name of the conversation. The subject provides context and a broad summary of the kind of content that will be discussed within the conversation.
  5. In the Add text field type in the name of any people within your contacts list that you wish to add to the conversation. Once the person's name appears click on it to add the person to the conversation.
  6. Within the Write Message text area type in first message that will display within the conversation. We would recommend writing a message to describes the reason why you have created the conversation.
  7. Click on the Post button.

After clicking on the Post button a new conversation will be created and it will appear in your conversations list. Additionally any other people assigned to the conversation will receive a notification advising that they have been added to the conversation, and the conversation will appear within their conversations menu.

Add A Person To A Conversation

You can add a person to an existing conversation you are assigned to if that person is a contact of yours. Adding your contacts to a conversation also allows more people to see the conversation who would not otherwise have been able to if they weren't a contact of the person who initially created the conversation. Note that there is a limit on how many people can be assigned to a conversation.

To add a person to a conversation follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
  3. Search and click on the View button for the conversation that you wish to add a person to.
  4. [optional] If using the SQUIZZ.com mobile app click or a small sized web browser click on the Contacts button.
  5. In the Add text field type the name of the contact that you wish to add to the conversation.
  6. Select the person's name in the auto-complete drop down that appears.

The person's name will be added to the people assigned to the conversation. Additionally a notification will be sent to the person advising that they been added to the conversation. Lastly the conversation will appear in their conversations menu.

Remove A Person Or Yourself From A Conversation

If you no longer wish to be in a conversation or no longer wish for another person to be in a conversation then follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
    1. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
    2. Search and click on the View button for the conversation that you wish to remove a person or yourself from.
    1. click on either the Personal Conversation Notifications menu button, or on the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu item.
    2. Click on the subject link of the conversation that you wish to remove a person or yourself from.
  2. [optional] If using the SQUIZZ.com mobile app click or a small sized web browser click on the Contacts button.
  3. Within the conversation's contact list find the name of yourself or the person that you wish to remove. Click on the X button next to the person's name.

The person or you will be removed from the conversation. If you remove another person then they will receive a notification advising that they have been removed from the conversation. Note that if you removed another person that the conversation will still appear within their conversations lists, and they still will be able to previous messages posted in the conversation up until the point when they were removed. If you had removed yourself from the conversation then you will be able to add yourself back into the conversation. If only you were assigned to the conversation and you removed yourself then the conversation would be completed deleted from the platform.

Post A Message In A Conversation

To post a message within an existing conversation that you are assigned to, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
    1. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
    2. Search and click on the View button for the conversation that you wish to post a message to.
    1. Click on either the Personal Conversation Notifications menu button, or on the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu button.
    2. Click on the subject link of the conversation that you wish to post a message to.
  2. Within the conversation's Write Message text area type the content of your message.
    If you wish to tag one or more people in the message then type the @ character then the person's first name in the message, eg. @john (this is known as a person's handle). If multiple people are added to the conversation with the same name then you will need to type their full name, eg. @John Smith
  3. Click on the Post button.

The message will appear at the bottom of the messages displayed within the Conversation, additionally all people assigned to the conversation who are listening to the conversation will receive a notification of the message that you have posted. If you tagged one or more people in the message then all of those people will receive a notification even if they are not listening to the conversation.
Note that there is a limit on how many characters you can type within a single message.

Format Text Within A Conversation Message

When posting a message within a conversation it is possible to format the text that is displayed in the message. The following sequence of characters may be set within the message to allow the text to be "marked up" after it has been posted:

  • **Example Text**
    Bolds any text within the double asterisk characters. eg. Example Text
  • __Example Text__
    Underlines any text within the double underscore characters eg. Example Text
  • ~~Example Text~~
    Makes any text italics within the double tilde characters eg. Example Text
  • --Example Text--
    Strikes a line through any text within the double dash characters eg. Example Text
  • ##Example Text##
    Makes any text within the double hash characters a first level heading
  • ###Example Text###
    Makes any text within the double hash characters a second level heading
  • ####Example Text####
    Makes any text within the double hash characters a third level heading
  • - Example Text
    Makes any text starting with a single dash character then a space turn into an unordered list eg.
    • Example Text
    • Example Text2

Set An Organisation And Employment Title To Post Messages As

Within a conversation you can choose to post messages with your employment title and organisation displaying above each message. By doing this it tells everyone else within the conversation that are communicating in a professional manner, similar to sending out Emails from a work Email account that contains your title and organisation within an Email signature. Additionally by assigning an organisation to the conversation it causes the platform to send any notifications related to the given conversation to appear within the Organisation Conversation Notifications category. This allows you to clearly see conversation notifications related to your work, and conversations notifications related to your personal life.

Before you can post messages within your employment title you must first be personally connected to at least one organisation as an employee. Once the connection has been accepted then follow these steps to set the organisation and employment title that you are posting messages with:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
    1. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
    2. Search and click on the View button for the conversation you wish to modify.
    1. Click on either the Personal Conversation Notifications menu button, or on the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu button.
    2. Click on the subject link of the conversation that you wish to modify.
  2. Within the conversation's Post From drop down choose the organisation that you wish to show you're employed with.

Any previous and future messages you have posted in the conversation will update to display your employment title associated with the organisation above each of your messages. Additionally all other people assigned to the conversation will also see your employment title and organisation. Lastly any future notifications that you receive about the conversation will appear in the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu.


Like, Acknowledge or Dislike A Conversation Message

For any messages posted within a conversation that you are assigned to, you have the ability to like, acknowledge or dislike each message. This allows the person who posted the message to receive a notification of your reaction to their message, as well as see any other reactions made by other people within the conversation. 

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
    1. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
    2. Search and click on the View button for the conversation you wish to view.
    1. Click on either the Personal Conversation Notifications menu button, or on the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu button.
    2. Click on the subject link of the conversation that you wish to view.
  2. Within the conversation dialog scroll to the message you wish to like, acknowledge or dislike.
  3. Click on either the Likes, Ack (acknowledge) or Dislikes link.

After you have clicked on the link the number next to it will increment, showing the number of people who have also liked, acknowledged, or disliked the message. If you click on any of the numbers you will see those people who have liked, acknowledged or disliked that particular message. If you wish to rescind or change your activity against the message then you can click on the previous link or click on one of the other links.

Assign a conversation to a Conversation Group

In the SQUIZZ.com platform you can group the conversations you are personally assigned to, allowing the same conversations to be more easily found in the Conversations menu. To assign an existing conversation to one of your conversation groups, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Conversations menu button from the navigation bar (in small sized screens click on the Menu icon first to open the navigation bar)
  3. Find the conversation record that you wish to assign to your conversation group
  4. Click on the Group label (by default it displays as "Unassigned")
  5. In the Conversation Group drop down now shown select the group that you want to assign the conversation to.

The conversation will now be assigned to the group you selected. Now if you filter the Conversations menu by selecting the Conversation Group in the drop down at the top of the menu, it will only show the conversations assigned to the selected group. Note that you can create additional conversation groups and assign conversations to these groups, as well as delete conversation groups and reassign conversations from the deleting group to another.

Add A File Attachment To A Conversation

Within each conversation there is the ability to upload, attach and share a file with all other people assigned to a conversation. When a file attachment is uploaded it is also encrypted when saved to the platform. This means that only the people assigned to the conversation have the ability to decrypt and download the attachment file to their own computer. This provides an additional level of security that ensures that your files are securely transferred between people through the platform and over the internet, and can be much more secure than sending files using email and other insecure mediums.

To add a file attachment to a conversation, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
    1. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
    2. Search and click on the View button for the conversation you wish to attach a file to.
    1. Click on either the Personal Conversation Notifications menu button, or on the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu button.
    2. Click on the subject link of the conversation that you wish to attach a file to.
  2. Click on the Attachments button.
  3. Click on the Upload Attachment button.
  4. Find and select the file on our computer or mobile device.

The file will be uploaded and attached to the conversation. The file will be display in the attachment list. Additionally all people assigned to the conversation will receive a notification advising of the file you have attached to the conversation.

Note that there is a limit on how many files can be uploaded to a conversation. Additionally there is a limit to the size of the file that may be uploaded. If the file exceeds the limit then you may need to upload the file to a dedicated file hosting platform and then place a link in the conversation to hosted file.

Remove A File Attachment From A Conversation

To remove a file attachment from a conversation, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
    1. Click on Conversations menu item in the top header bar.
    2. Search and click on the View button for the conversation you wish to remove a file attachment from.
    1. Click on either the Personal Conversation Notifications menu button, or on the Organisation Conversation Notifications menu button.
    2. Click on the subject link of the conversation that you wish to remove a file attachment from.
  2. Click on the Attachments button.
  3. Locate the file attachment listed within the conversation and click on the X icon next to the file name.
  4. Find and select the file on our computer or mobile device.
  5. Within the Remove Attachment dialog click the OK button.

The file attachment will be removed from the attachments list, additionally a notification will be sent out to all people assigned to the conversation advising that the attachment has been removed.

Listen/Un-listen To A Conversation

For any conversations that you have been added to there is the ability for you to listen or un-listen to each conversation. When you are listening to a conversation you will receive notifications for any messages and content posted within the conversation. If you are not listening to a conversation then you won't receive any notifications about the conversation, unless your name is specifically tagged within a message.

To unlisten or listen to a conversation follow these steps:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on Conversations menu item in the navigation bar (in small sized screens click on the navigation menu icon first)
  3. In the Conversations list click on the View button of a conversation you wish to change the listening status of.
  4. Within the Conversation dialog find your name in the list of contacts (in small sized screens click on the Contacts button to view the list of people added to the conversation)
  5. Click on the Listening icon next to your name. This will toggle the listening status to either Listening, or Not Listening.
  6. The Listening icon will change once the setting has been updated.

The listening status of the conversation will now be updated. Performing step 5 again allows you to change the listening status back, if any time in the future you wish to listening or un-listen to the conversation again.