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Organisation Settings

Learn how to configure and manage key settings for an organisation registered on the SQUIZZ.com platform

Once an organisation has been registered within the SQUIZZ.com platform, people who are connected to the organisation as administrators have the ability to configure several aspects of the organisation within the platform through a number of different settings. These settings can control core aspects, such as how the organisation can be found within searches, who the organisation sells to, and how product pricing calculations are determined.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Overview
  3. Organisation Settings
  4. Modify The Organisation Settings Of An Organisation
  5. Request To Become A Trusted Organisation
  6. Set The Trading Terms And Conditions Of An Organisation
  7. Set The Profile Image Of An Organisation
  8. Set The Logo Image Of An Organisation
  9. Add A Location To An Organisation
  10. Modify A Location Assigned To An Organisation
  11. Delete A Location Assigned To An Organisation


Before reading on please ensure that you have understood the following topics:


After you have signed up to the SQUIZZ.com platform and either created an organisation, or connected to an organisation and have been designated as an administrator of the organisation, then within the organisation's profile page you will have the ability to access the Admin area of the profile. Within the Admin area the following sections exist that allow you to configure different aspects of the organisation.


  • Organisation Settings
    Allows administrator people to set general aspects of the organisation, such as the organisation's trading name, legal name, About descriptions of the organisation, and other settings that determine where the organisation trades, and how it can be found in searches.
  • API Settings
    Allows administrator people to setup control access by external software to connect to the platform's API (application programming interface) and act as the organisation. The API can be used by organisational software to import data, retrieve data from other organisations, procure orders, create organisation notifications, and other tasks. See Integrate Software Into SQUIZZ.com for more details.
  • Connector Settings
    Allows administrator people to configure connections to the SQUIZZ.com connector software and/or external business system software residing in a separate computer network. These settings allow SQUIZZ.com to send data to the configured software, such as sales orders, purchase orders, invoice payments and other types of data.
  • Notification Settings
    Allows administrator people to configure who within the organisation is allowed to receive the organisation's notifications. People can be assigned to the different "notification categories". which may restrict or allow certain people such as employees to only receive notifications related to their position within the organisation.


  • Reported Issues
    Allows administrator people of the organisation to view the entire range of issues/enquires/reports that have been submitted to organisation by other people.
  • Sales Order Rules
    Allows administrator people of the organisation to set up rules on how different aspects of a sales order are set with a customer person or organisation purchases off the organisation. Sales order rules can be set up to determine how aspects such as freight surcharges are charged, warehouse locations are assigned, freight carriers are assigned, credit card and minimum order surcharges are charged, and any other surcharges are calculated.
  • Security Certificates
    Allows administrator people of the organisation to create SSL/TLS security certificates for free. These certificates can be used to secure data requested and sent by the platform to external business systems and/or the SQUIZZ.com Connector software.
  • Freight Providers
    Allows administrator people of the organisation to set up freight providers and freight units that can be used to control the freight carriers who can deliver goods sold to customers in sales orders.
  • Data Sharing Policies
    Allows administrator people of the organisation to set up data sharing policies the control the people and other organisations who are allowed to see the organisation's data, buy certain products, and retrieve data.


This section allows administrator people of the organisation to see the different kinds of organisation data that have been imported into the SQUIZZ.com platform. This includes the following data:

  • Sales Reps
  • Purchasers
  • Taxcodes
  • Price Levels
  • Surcharges
  • Payment Types
  • Sell Units
  • Locations
  • Product Alternate Codes
  • Product Price-Level Prices
  • Product Price-Level Quantity Prices
  • Product Customer Account Prices


This section allows administrator people of the organisation to use tools to help administer their organisation.

  • Product Diagnostics
    Allows administrator people to check if a chosen product would be visible to a person or organisation customer assigned to a chosen customer account. The report can also show the prices that are assigned to the product and the applicable price that would chosen to show to the customer account. This report makes it easier for administrator people to understand why a certain price was chosen for the product, based on a range of factors, such as price level, quantity ordered, and any special pricing (such as contracts) being set up.
  • Address Cleaning Tester
    Allows administrator people to see and test out how the platform would clean up address data if it was placed within a purchase order or sales order when sent through the platform. The platform provides and "Address Cleaning" feature that organisations can turn on to help clean up delivery and billing addresses that have been incorrectly set by purchasers.


This section allows administrator people of the organisation to read reports, see logs and perform analytical actions.

  • Trading Tokens Transactions History
    Displays a list of all the trading token transactions that have been purchased or spent by the organisation within the SQUIZZ.com platform. This allows administrators to understand how often the organisation is involved in value-added transactions, and how much it is spending on the SQUIZZ.com platform.
  • Data Imports History
    Displays a list of the types organisational data that has been attempted to be imported into the platform from the API. Viewing this allows administrators to understand how often the organisation's data is being updated in the platform, and what data is being imported.
  • Data Exports History
    Displays a list of the types organisational data that has been attempted to be exported from the platform to organisation's configured Connector software. Viewing this allows administrators to understand how often the organisation's data is being pushed back into the organisation's own business systems.
  • Data Retrieval History
    Displays a list of the types of organisational data that has been attempted to be retrieved by other connected organisations through the platform's API. Viewing this allows administrators to understand which connected organisations are retrieving their data, how often, and kind of data being retrieved. This could be used to influence how data sharing policies are set up in the organisation.
  • Freight Order History
    Displays a list of the types organisational data that has been attempted to be exported from the platform to organisation's configured freight provider software. Viewing this allows administrators to understand how often the organisation's data is being sent across into freight provider software, as well as diagnose is orders can succeeding in being sent to freight providers or not.
  • Order Procurement With Suppliers History
    Displays a list of purchase order logs that the organisation has sent to another organisation that's supplying goods and services on the SQUIZZ.com platform. This indicates purchases that are being made with the supplying orgnaisation. The history includes times that orders are being sent, whether the order was successfully procured, the order data was sent, and any errors that occurred if the order failed. These orders are typically sent by the organisation through the SQUIZZ.com platform's API to the supplying organisation using the Procure and Send Order To Supplier API endpoint. This history can be used to determine how often orders are being sent by organisation's business systems to suppliers, if the orders are successfully received, and if not what errors occurred.
  • Order Procurement By Customers History
    Displays a list of purchase order logs that the organisation has received from another organisation that's purchasing goods and services on the SQUIZZ.com platform. This indicates purchases that are being made by the purchasing orgnaisation. The history includes times that orders are being sent, whether the order was successfully procured, the order data was sent, and any errors that occurred if the order failed. These orders are typically sent by the purchasing organisation through the SQUIZZ.com platform's API to the supplying organisation using the Procure and Send Order To Supplier API endpoint. This history can be used to determine how often orders are being sent by customer organsiation's business systems, if the orders are successfully received, and if not what errors occurred.
  • Freight Order History
    Displays a list of logs showing the attempts to send an organisation's sales orders across to configured freight provider systems, used to raise consignments, print packaging labels, and manage deliveries of the ordered goods and services. These logs can help see how often orders are being sent fo freight provider systems, if the orders were succesfully sent, and if not what errors occurred during the attempts made.
  • Customer Invoice Sending History
    Displays a list of logs showing attempts by the organisation to send invoices to other organisations who are customers and have purchased goods and services. These logs can help see how often invoices are attempted to be sent by the organisation's bussiness through the SQUIZZ.com platform's Send Customer Invoice To Customer API endpoint. These logs can hekp see often invoices are being sent through to other organisations that are cutomers, if the invoices were successfully sent, and if not what errors occurred during the attempts made.
  • Customer Delivery Notice Sending History
    Displays a list of logs showing attempts by the organisation to send delivery notices to other organisations who are expecting to receive goods and services. This may include Advanced Shipping type notices, in transit notices, or other display/delivery notices. These logs can help see how often delivery notifices are attempted to be sent by the organisation's bussiness through the SQUIZZ.com platform's Send Delivery Notice To Customer API endpoint. These logs can hekp see often delivery notices are being sent through to other organisations that are cutomers, if the delivery notices were successfully sent, and if not what errors occurred during the attempts made.
  • Issue Work Log By Person History
    Displays a list of people who are connected to the organisation, and how mork work they have logged across issues raised against the organisation, through its Issue Management feature. These logs aggregate the amount of time work for each person across a time frame, such as a week, month, or year, from a specified date. These logs may it easier to understand how much work different people are doing across the organisation.

Organisation Settings

Below are a list of the following Organisation Settings that an administrator person of the organisation can configure within the Admin area of an organisation's profile:

  • Organisation Name
    Name of the organisation that will display within the platform anywhere where the organisation is displayed. The name typically would be the trading name of the organisation that is recognisable to employees, customers, suppliers, and other audiences.
  • Legal Name
    The legal name of the organisation as registered within the government body or authority where the organisation was created. For example if the organisation was registered within Australia then the legal name would be the name of the organisation registered in the Australian Business Registry.
  • Authority Number
    Set the authority number issued to the organisation from the authority of the country where the organisation was created. For example if the organisation was created within Australia then you would set the Australian Business Number (ABN) in the authority number field.
  • Profile URL
    Name of the organisation to set within the URL of the organisation's profile in the SQUIZZ.com platform. For example if you had set the profile URL to "example-company", then the URL to organisation's profile would be set as squizz.com/example-company. After setting this setting you can then place it within any websites or marketing material to allow people to easily find the organisation within SQUIZZ.com. Note that the Profile URL can only be set if the organisation has applied to become trusted within the SQUIZZ.com platform and been accepted.
  • Is Active
    Set if the organisation is active within the platform or not. People and organisations will only be able to connect, trade and interact with the organisation if it is active. You may wish to set the organisation as being inactive if you do not wish to allow people, organisations, or other systems interacting with the organisation.
  • Earning Type
    Set how the organisations earns its wealth. Choose from one of the options:
    • For Profit
      The organisation earns a profit through its operations and is concerned with its own interests.
    • Non Profit
      The organisation has a purpose other than making a profit, such as a charity.
    • Private
      The organisation is privately owned by shareholders not known to the general public.
    • Public/Private
      The organisation is either privately or publicly owned by shareholders.
    • Government
      The organisation is a government body, authority, or other entity that is directly owned by government.
  • Organisation Type
    Set the kind of organisations that the organisation can be best described as. Choose from one of the options:
    • Organisation
      A general organisation of no descriptive type.
    • Sole Trader
      The organisation is solely owned by a single individual.
    • Company
      The organisation is for-profit owned by one or more shareholders and contains directors who are in charge of running the company.
    • Co-operative
      The organisation owned by several shareholders, each sharing the responsibility of running the organisation.
    • Corporation
      A legal entity guided and run by a board of directors.
    • Government Body
      An organisation created and owned by a government.
    • Proprietary
      An organisation privately owned, and must be operated within limits of the jurisdiction where its registered.
    • Education Body
      An organisation where it's primary function is to teach educational courses.
  • Trading Status
    Set the trading activity is allowed to take place with the organisation on the platform. Set one of the following options:
    • Not Trading
      The organisation does not allow itself to sell or purchase goods and services within the platform.
    • Fully Trading
      The organisation is both able to sell and buy within the platform.
    • Buying Only
      The organisation only is allowed to buy within the platform, and is not selling goods or services.
    • Selling Only
      The organisation is only allowed to sell within the platform, and is not allowed to make purchases.
  • Established Year
    Set the year that the organisation was created and established.
  • Established Date
    Set the date that the organisation was created and established.
  • Closed Date
    Either set to currently operating, or choose a date that the organisation stopped trading and was dissolved, closed, or liquidated.
  • State/Region/Province
    Set the state, region, province of the country where the organisation is established.
  • Country
    Set the country where the organisation is established.
  • Currency
    Set the currency that the organisation stores its pricing in and trades in. The currency set controls the currency that purchasers will pay for goods with. Any pricing data imported into the platform for the organisation with be based on this set currency. Ensure that the currency matches any external business systems linked to the organisation in the platform.
  • Language
    Set the primary language that text and data of the organisation is written in.
  • About Short
    Set a brief description of what the organisation does. This short description may show within organisation searches, and should contain a description that acutely informs a person of what the organisation does or why it exists.
  • About Long
    Set a long description of what the organisation does. This may include several details about the organisation such as the kinds of services and products that it sells.
  • Industries
    Set a list of tags that each define the industries that the organisation belongs to. Choose terms that people would search for to help them find the organisation. There are limits on how many tags you can set.
  • Price Decimal Places
    Set the amount of decimal places that the organisation's prices are allowed to display as and are calculated for.
  • Quantity Pricing Direction
    For products sold by the organisation, if there are multiple prices set for each quantity of a product, set how the platform determines when a quantity based price becomes applicable for a purchaser to buy a product for. This setting should be consistent with the organisation's external business systems where sales are recorded.  This setting can be set to one of the following options:
    • Equal And Above
      Prices set for a defined quantity equal to or above the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    • Above
      Prices for a defined quantity above the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    • Equal And Below
      Prices for a defined quantity equal to and below the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
    • Below
      Prices for a defined quantity below the quantity set by a person purchasing a product will become applicable.
  • Order Tax Calculated At
    Set the method of how the platform should calculate and round tax against products and services that it sells. Set to one of the options:
    • Order Total
      Tax is calculated after totalling all of the lines, and the tax is rounded based on this total calculation.
    • Line
      Tax is calculated on each line then rounded. The rounded tax total of each line is added across all lines then set as the final tax total of the order.
  • Sales Order Prefix Code
    Set the text that will be set at the beginning of each unique code of sales orders created for the organisation within the platform. This code may help to identify orders created within the SQUIZZ.com platform and exported to external business systems.
  • Purchase Order Prefix Code
    Set the text that will be set at the beginning of each unique code of purchase orders created for the organisation within the platform. This code may help to identify orders created within the SQUIZZ.com platform and exported to external business systems.
  • Clean Imported Sales Order Addresses
    If set to Yes then when customer's of the organisation import their purchase orders into the platform and wish to convert their purchase orders into the organisation's sales orders, the billing and delivery address data in the sales order will be cleaned up to ensure that the address data can work with freight providers and freight carrier systems.
  • Trading Tokens Low Amount
    When the balance of the organisation's trading tokens is below the set amount, then a notification will be sent to the administrators of the organisation advising that the organisation is running low on trading tokens.

Default Groups

Within the Organisation Settings dialog you can set the default "people groups" that may be used based on how people connect with the organisation. Each group contains permissions that control the data and functionality that the person assigned to the group can access with the organisation.

  • For Guest/Public People
    Set the group that people not connected to the organisation or not logged into the platform will be used to control the organisation's data and features that are accessible to them. It is advisable that the group assigned to this setting contains very restrictive permissions and only allows the minimum organisation data and functionality accessible to them.
  • Normal People
    When a person makes a request to connect personally with the organisation and does not try to connect as an employee, then if their connection request is accepted they will be assigned to the group controlled by this setting. We recommend assigning a group to this setting that has limited permissions on the data and administration functions that are accessible to people assigned to this group, since there may be large number of people assigned to this group.
  • Employee People
    When a person makes a request to connect personally with the organisation and requests to connect as an employee, then if their connection request is accepted they will be assigned to the group controlled by this setting. We recommend assigning a group to this setting that allows employees the least amount of permissions required to allow them to access the necessary data and functions of the organisation, since you have a large number of employees assigned to this group.

  • Sales Representative People
    Set the default group that sales representative people will be assigned to when connected within the organisation. This group should give only the neccessary permissions that allow the people assigned to the group to access the organisation's data and functions that allow them to sell to their selected customers of the organisation.
  • Administrator People
    Set the default group people will be assigned to when connected within the organisation that are designated as an administrator. This group should give only the necessary permissions that allow the people assigned to the group to access and manage the organisation's data and functions at the lowest level. You may wish to create multiple people groups for different levels of administration then reassign administrators as their level of responsibility increases or decreases.

Modify The Organisation Settings Of An Organisation

To modify the Organisation Settings for an organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be designated as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have been given these credentials then follow the steps below to locate and modify the organisation settings as listed above:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Admin button.
  5. On the Organisation Administration page click on the Organisation Settings button.
  6. Within the Organisation Settings dialog alter each of the settings, based on the descriptions of the settings listed in the section above.
  7. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the dialog.

The settings of the organisation will be updated within the platform. Be careful on the settings you choose to change and fully understand what the setting controls before changing it. Altering some settings may change how the organisation trades in the platform, or is visible to the public.

Request To Become A Trusted Organisation

The SQUIZZ.com platform allows people signed up to register any organisation in the platform. Once registered an organisation's "Trust Level" will be initially set to Unverified and Untrusted. This Trust Level helps all people using the platform to know if an organisation is who it says it is, or is fictitious and may be being impersonated illegitimately by others. Administrators of an organisation can elect to submit a Trust Level request to have SQUIZZ.com verify an organisation, and once verified the organistation's Trust Level will be set to "Verified and Trusted". This trusted level can help people and other organisations to have confidence when dealing with an organisation.

To submit a Trust Level request for an organisation you be set as an administrator of that organisation. Additionally the following settings of the organisation must be set:

  • About Long
  • About Short
  • Authority Number
  • Legal Name

Additionally the organisation must have enough trading tokens to pay for the trust request. The cost for this can be found on the Trading Tokens and Pricing document.

Follow these steps to submit a Trust Level request for an organistion:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the navigation menu (for small sized screens click on the Menu button first to bring up the Navigation menu).
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to submit a trust request for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Within the organisation profile click on the Become Trusted button.
  6. In the Organisation Trust Request dialog choose Yes in the confirm drop down to confirm that you are the owner of the organisation, or have authority within the executive team of the organisation to have the organisation verified.
  7. In the Position Title textbox type in the title of the position you hold within the organisation.
  8. In the Organisation Phone Number textbox type in the phone number that can be called to speak with the owner or a person in the executive team who can verify the organisation. This phone number will be verified as well.
  9. Click on the Image File button and select an image file to upload that will verify the organisation. This image needs to show a certificate issued by the government authority in the country that organisation is registered to in its settings. For example in Australia this image could show a company registration certificate issued by ASIC.
  10. Click on the Send button to send the request.

The platform will then check the Trust Level verification request that all information about the organisation has been set, and that the Legal Name and Authority Number of the organisation match with records within the appropriate government's databases. For Australlia this is the Australian Business Register. Only when this check succeeds will the platform accept the verification request, deduct trading tokens costs, then begin to formally verify the organisation. If the verification process succeeds then a notification will be sent to the administrator people of the organisation advising that the organisation is now trusted, additionally the organisation's Trust Level will be updated to Verified and Trusted. If the verification fails the organisation's Trust Level will remain unchanged and a notification will be sent to administrators of the organisation to advise of the failed verification.

SQUIZZ.com will do all it can to check and successfully verify an organisation, however there are no guarentees that an organisation will pass verification checks, nor will trading tokens be refunded for failed verifications. Employees of SQUIZZ.com may attempt to contact executive personel within the organisation via phone to verify the organisation.

Set The Trading Terms And Conditions Of An Organisation

Before any organisation starts buying and selling within the SQUIZZ.com platform it is highly recommended  that the administrator people of each organisation set and update the "Trading Terms and Conditions" that legally define how the organisation will trade through the platform. When a organisation first registers within the platform a default template of the Trading Terms and Conditions will be set up. It is recommended to change the initial Trading Terms and Conditions to incorporate any terms or conditions that is unique to the organisation.

To modify the Trading Terms and Conditions for an organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be designated as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have credentials then follow the steps below to locate and modify the terms and conditions:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Terms and Conditions button.
  6. In the Terms and Conditions dialog click on the Modify button.
  7. Type text within the textarea to modify the terms and conditions.
  8. Click on the Save button above the text area.

The Trading Terms and Conditions of the organisation will be updated any any people viewing the organisation's profile will be able to see these updated terms and conditions. If you make alterations to the terms and conditions we would recommend advising the people and organisations connected to the organisation of the changes that you have made. Such communication could be done through the organisation's public feeds, or through other mechanisms such as email or offline media.

Set The Profile Image Of An Organisation

Within the platform each organisation may set a "profile" image. The profile image will display next the organisation's name within organisation searches, in the organisations menu, and several other places where the organisation's name displays. The profile image can help people easily identify the organisation, and could be set to be a recognisable icon, symbol or trademark.

Recommended Image Settings

For setting a profile image of an organisation we recommend uploading an image in the following format:

Image Format: JPEG
Width and Height: 1024px x 1024px or larger
Color Profile: RGB
Aspect Ratio: 1:1

To modify the profile image of an organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be designated as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have the credentials then follow the steps below to upload and change the profile image:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Change Image button.
  6. Click on the Upload Profile Image context menu item
  7. Find and select the image stored on your computer.

The image will be uploaded to the platform and update within the profile, as well as any other parts of the platform where organisation's name displays the image. Note that if the image uploaded is not perfectly square then the platform will crop the image to make it square. If the image file is too large then the platform will reduce its files size and dimensions to allow it to be uploaded.

Set The Logo Image Of An Organisation

Within the platform each organisation may set a "logo" image. The logo image will display within records such as sales orders, purchase orders, invoices, credits, payments and other records that are associated with the organisation. The logo image can allow the name of the organisation to be clearly seen on official records in a graphic form. It is recommended to set a logo image that is consistent with any logo that appears on the organisation's printed documents.

Recommended Image Settings

For setting a logo image of an organisation we recommend uploading an image in the following format:

Image Format: JPEG
Width and Height: 1024px x 1024px or larger
Color Profile: RGB
Aspect Ratio: 1:1

To modify the logo image of an organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be designated as an administrator of the organisation. Once you have the credentials then follow the steps below to upload and change the logo image:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the top header bar.
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Change Images button.
  6. Click on the Upload Logo Image context menu item.
  7. Find and select the image stored on your computer.

The image will be uploaded to the platform and update within the organisation's profile, as well as on any organisation records. Note that if the image uploaded is not perfectly square then the platform will crop off parts of the image to make it square. If the image file size or dimensions is too large then the image will be reduced in size when being uploaded.

Add A Location To An Organisation

For each organisation in the platform there is the ability to set all the physical locations where the organisation contains stores, offices, warehouses, and any other physical locations. Adding locations allows customers, suppliers, freight carriers and any other people to find the places where the organisation works and trades. Additionally it allows purchasers of the organisation to select a location where goods can be delivered or billed to. Once location must be set as the billing location where invoices and other bills are sent to.

To add a location to the organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be assigned to a People Group that has the Modify Locations permission set to Yes. Once you have the credentials then follow the steps below to add a location:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the navigation menu (For small sized screens click on the Menu button first to bring up the Navigation menu).
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Locations tab button.
  6. Click on the Add Location button.
  7. Within the Locations dialog in the Location Label textbox type in a label of the location that allows it to be easily recognised.
  8. In the Is Active drop down choose Yes if the location can be seen by people looking at the organisation's profile.
  9. In the Location Used For Billing drop down set Yes if the location is the primary location that any invoice or other bills would be sent to. This would typically only be set to Yes if the location was a head office.
  10. In the Location Type drop down choose the type that the location best represents.
  11. In the Location Code textbox set a unique code for the location that is different to all other locations. If the external accounting/ERP/business system linked to the organisation also stores locations then set the code to match the location within the business system.
  12. In the Address1 textbox set the first part of the location's address, such as the unit number/apartment number/street number.
  13. In the Address2 textbox set the second part of the location's address, such as the street name.
  14. In the Address3 textbox set the third part of the location's address, such as the suburb, town or city name.
  15. In the State/Province/Region drop down choose the state, province or region of  the location.
  16. In the Country drop down choose the country of the location.
  17. Within the Post/Zip Code enter the post code or zip code of the address of the location.
  18. In the Phone Number textbox type in the primary phone number of the location. It is recommend to specify the country code within the phone number to allow people from overseas to easily call the location.
  19. In the Fax Number textbox type in the fax number if a fax exists at the location.
  20. Set the Latitude geographic coordinate of the location. This allows the location to be found on a map.
  21. Set the Longitude geographic coordinate of the location. This allows the location to be found on a map.
  22. Set the Language that is primarily spoken at the location.
  23. In the Established Year drop down select the year when the organisation was established at the location.
  24. Click on the Established Date and select the date when the organisation was established.
  25. If the organisation is no longer operating at the location then click on the Closed Date and select the date when the organisation stopped operating.
  26. Click on the Save button.

The location will be added to the list of locations that people will be able to see when viewing the organisation's profile or summary dialog.

Modify A Location Assigned To An Organisation

To modify an existing location set for an organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be assigned to a People Group that has the Modify Locations permission set to Yes. Once you have the credentials then follow the steps below to add a location:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the navigation menu (For small sized screens click on the Menu button first to bring up the Navigation menu).
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Locations tab button
  6. Find the location record and click its Modify button.
  7. Within the Locations dialog in the Location Label textbox type in a label of the location that allows it to be easily recognised.
  8. In the Is Active drop down choose Yes if the location can be seen by people looking at the organisation's profile.
  9. In the Location Used For Billing drop down set Yes if the location is the primary location that any invoice or other bills would be sent to. This would typically only be set to Yes if the location was a head office.
  10. In the Location Type drop down choose the type that the location best represents.
  11. In the Location Code textbox set a unique code for the location that is different to all other locations. If the external accounting/ERP/business system linked to the organisation also stores locations then set the code to match the location within the business system.
  12. In the Address1 textbox set the first part of the location's address, such as the unit number/apartment number/street number.
  13. In the Address2 textbox set the second part of the location's address, such as the street name.
  14. In the Address3 textbox set the third part of the location's address, such as the suburb, town or city name.
  15. In the State/Province/Region drop down choose the state, province or region of  the location.
  16. In the Country drop down choose the country of the location.
  17. Within the Post/Zip Code enter the post code or zip code of the address of the location.
  18. In the Phone Number textbox type in the primary phone number of the location. It is recommend to specify the country code within the phone number to allow people from overseas to easily call the location.
  19. In the Fax Number textbox type in the fax number if a fax exists at the location.
  20. Set the Latitude geographic coordinate of the location. This allows the location to be found on a map.
  21. Set the Longitude geographic coordinate of the location. This allows the location to be found on a map.
  22. Set the Language that is primarily spoken at the location.
  23. In the Established Year drop down select the year when the organisation was established at the location.
  24. Click on the Established Date and select the date when the organisation was established.
  25. If the organisation is no longer operating at the location then click on the Closed Date and select the date when the organisation stopped operating.
  26. Click on the Save button.

The details of the location will be updated within the list of locations that people will be able to see when viewing the organisation's profile or summary dialog.

Delete A Location Assigned To An Organisation

To delete an existing location set for an organisation you first must be connected to the organisation and be assigned to a People Group that has the Delete Locations permission set to Yes. Once you have the credentials then follow the steps below to add a location:

  1. Login to the SQUIZZ.com platform from the Home page or mobile app.
  2. Click on the Organisations menu button in the navigation menu (For small sized screens click on the Menu button first to bring up the Navigation menu).
  3. Scroll through your connected organisations and find the organisation you wish to modify settings for.
  4. Click on the Profile button.
  5. Click on the Locations tab button.
  6. WIthin the Locations listing fidn the location you wish to delete and click on the Remove button.
  7. In the Delete Location dialog confirm that you wish to permanently delete the location by clicking on the OK button.

The location will be permanently removed from the list of locations and will no longer seen by people looking at the organisation's profile, or selectable when purchasers of the organisation create purchase orders.