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Signing Up

Learn how to personally sign up to the SQUIZZ.com platform, enable access to its features, for personal and/or professional reasons.

The first step to using the SQUIZZ.com platform is to personally sign up to the platform. Once you have signed up you will be able to login from the SQUIZZ.com and access the features and functionality that the platform provides. In order to sign up you will need to be invited by another person who has already signed up to the platform.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Did You Receive And Invitation To Join SQUIZZ.com
  3. Step 1: Fill Out The Sign Up Form
  4. Step 2: Receive The Personal Registration Email
  5. Step 3: Click On The Confirmation Link Within The Personal Registration Email
  6. Step 4: View the Registration Confirmation in SQUIZZ.com
  7. Next Steps


Before reading on please ensure that you know what Email is and you have an Email account that you use to receive and send emails with.

Did You Receive And Invitation To Join SQUIZZ.com

Before signing up to SQUIZZ.com you first may have been invited by another person who has already signed up to the platform. This person may have sent an invitation to your email address, or provided you an invitation code by other means. You can enter this invitation code when filling out the sign up form from the SQUIZZ.com home page. This invitation code allows you to connect with other people already on the platform, allowing you to more quickly find and start communicating with other people.

Note that you no longer need to given an invitation code to sign up to the platform, and can leave this Invitation Code field empty in the Sign Up form. This just means that you won't be connected to any people when initially logged into the platform.

Step 1: Fill Out The Sign Up Form

The first step to signing up and registering personally within SQUIZZ.com is to fill out the Sign Up form available from the Home web page of SQUIZZ.com. In the Sign Up form you will be asked to provide information that uniquely identifies you as person in the platform, as well as set credentials that you can use to securely login to the platform.

Note: In order to complete the Sign Up form you will need to have been invited and received the registration code from another person already registered within the platform.

To fill out the Sign Up form follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser application on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Enter into the address bar https://www.squizz.com and press the enter key.
  3. Click on the Sign Up button.
  4. In the First Name field type in your first name.
  5. In the Last Name field type in your last name or surname.
  6. In the Country Of Residence drop down choose your country.
  7. In the Invitation Code field type or paste in the invitation code that you received in the invitation Email, or was given to you by another person already signed up on the platform. If you don't have an invitation code then can leave this field empty. This code is used to initially connect with another person on the platform, allowing you to more quickly start finding other people and communicating.
  8. In the Personal Email Address field type in an Email address that you personally use and nobody else has access to. It is recommended to avoid entering a work or employment Email address since in the future you may no longer work for the same organisation or have access to the Email account.
  9. In the Confirm Email Address field type in the same Email address as entered in step 8.
  10. In the Password field type in a password that you will enter each time to log into SQUIZZ.com. You will be required to enter a strong password that cannot be easily guessed by another person or automated computer software. It is important that this password is not known by anyone else or can be easily found since it underpins the access to your data that you have made available through the platform.
  11. In the Confirm Password field type in the same password set in step 10.
  12. In the Secret Question 1 field type a question that only you would know the answer to. You will need to answer this question if you forget your password in the future.
  13. In the Answer 1 field type in the answer to the question set in step 12. The answer must be at 6 characters long.
  14. In the Confirm Answer 1 field type in the answer set from step 13.
  15. In the Secret Question 2 field type another question that only you would know the answer to. You will need to answer this question if you forget your password in the future.
  16. In the Answer 2 field type in the answer to the question set in step 15. The answer must be at 6 characters long.
  17. In the Confirm Answer 2 field type in the answer set from step 16.
  18. Tick the Confirm Terms and Conditions tick box. By doing so you agree to the Terms and Conditions that underpin how you can use SQUIZZ.com and conditions by doing so.
  19. Click on the Register button.

If all of the fields have been filled correctly then you will see a dialog advising that a Registration Email has been sent to you. Note that your personal registration has not yet completed yet until you have viewed the registration Email and clicked on the link within it. If you see an error dialog appear please fix the field in the Signup Form where the error has occurred. 

Step 2: Receive The Personal Registration Email

Once you have filled out the Sign Up form correctly then the platform will have sent you a Personal Registration Email to your nominated Email address. You will need to open this Email and view its contents.

If you haven't received this Email check that your inbox is able to receive Emails from other Email addresses. Also check that the Email sent from SQUIZZ.com does not appear in any junk folders, or that your Email provider has not set up any spam filters that could be causing the Email to be discarded. If you still do not receive the Email then you may need to register again with a different Email address.

Step 3: Click On The Confirmation Link Within The Personal Registration Email

From the Personal Registration Email that you opened in step 2, click on the link or copy the URL into the web browser that you used in step one to sign up to the platform.

Step 4: View the Registration Confirmation in SQUIZZ.com

After you have clicked or copied the confirmation link from step 3 into a web browser the home page of SQUIZZ.com should be displayed with a dialog advising that you have successfully completed the sign up process. Now you are able to login to the platform and connect with people and businesses that you know.

Next Steps

Once you have successfully registered in the SQUIZZ.com you now have the ability to login and start using the platform's features and functionality. To do so open the SQUIZZ.com home page, click on the Login button, enter your Email address and password from Step 1, and then you will be logged into the platform.

Start Connecting With Friends, Family, Work Colleagues, and Business Contacts

A good first place to start using the platform is to start connecting with other people you know. Already you will have a contact request to the person who invited you, if you accept their invite you can then start have a conversation with that person and any other contacts that they have invited into a conversation.

Read Connecting With People

Start Connecting With Businesses and Organisations That You Know Or Work For

Another good place to start is to search for businesses and organisations that you know or work for. Once you have found an organisation you can make a request to connect personally with that organisation. Once the organisation has accepted your connection request you may be allowed to access features and data that the organisation provides, post on private feeds, and possibility trade with the organisation.

Read Connecting With Organisations

Register And Setup An Organisation Within the SQUIZZ.com platform

If you are a business owner or have the authority of an organisation's executive team then you may wish to register your organisation in the SQUIZZ.com platform if it hasn't already been done, and start connecting it with organisations for trading, and other purposes.

Read Registering An Organisation