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SQL Server Query Browser

Within the Connector Application is a tool called the SQL Server Query Browser that allows data to be queried and retrieved from a Microsoft SQL Server database. This query browser can help you find and understand the kinds of data that are stored within a SQL Server database, test database queries written in the SQL database language, test connection credentials to SQL Server database, as well as copy data from a SQLServer database. The SQL Server Query Browser can be a great tool to help data specialists work with a local or remote SQL Server instance, as well as help with setting up a Generic adaptor within the Connector.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Query A SQL Server Database


Please make sure you have read through the Get Started/Overview before continuing down this document.
Additionally make sure you are familiar with the following:

Query A SQL Server Database

To query a SQL Server Database follow these steps:

  1. Open the Connector application.
  2. Click on the Tools menu.
  3. Click on the SQL Server Query Browser menu item.
  4. From the.SQL Server Query Browser Window in the Data Source textbox type the path that points to the SQL Server instance you wish to query. The path may contain the IP address or UNC path to the computer that is running the SQL Server instance. Additionally it contains the name of the SQL Server instance.
  5. In the Catalogue textbox type the name of the catalogue or schema stored within the SQL Server instance that you wish to query data from. 
  6. In the User ID textbox type the name of the user set up within the SQL Server instance that you wish to connect to it as. Ensure this user has been set up within it.
  7. In the Password textbox type the password of the user set up within the SQL Server instance that you wish to connect to it as. Ensure the user and its password has been set up within it.
  8. Click on the Connect and Run SQL Query button.

A connection will be attempted to be made to the SQL Server database, if successful the SQL query will be executed. If the query returns records then they will be displayed in the results table. If the query fails then in the results text area with the error message that the SQL Server ADO.NET driver returned.