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Report Feedback or Issues Using SQUIZZ.com Platform

For people and organisations using the SQUIZZ.com platform, from time-to-time you may experience problems, or have issues when using several aspects of the SQUIZZ.com platform. In the sections below you can find out how to deal with different types of problems or issues you may face, and the actions you can take.


  1. Report A SQUIZZ.com Platform Bug

Report A SQUIZZ.com Platform Bug

If you have been accessing and using the SQUIZZ.com platform, or software you are using is interacting with the Application Programming Interface (API) of the SQUIZZ.com, you may come across a problem that is preventing you from being able to use an aspect of the platform. If this is unexpected and isn't caused by another person or organisation changing what features you are allowed to interact with, then you may have found a bug with the platform itself. The first thing is to diagnose whether it is a bug that you have found, or else caused by something else. To work this out, read the sections below to work out if you have found a bug.

Note that in the SQUIZZ.com platform the Product Development team are constantly releasing new features, improvements and bug fixes to the platform on a regular basis. Sometimes these enhancements may introduce bugs, or undesired behaviour, all in the spirit of helping you get more out of the platform. For certain bugs we may create feed posts to advise you of the problem ahead of time, or otherwise fix them in future releases. However if you have found a new bug that isn't already posted then please report the bug so we can look further into the problem if we haven't already.

What Is A Bug

A bug is classed as the platform performing behaviour for you or a system that is unexpected from how it was designed and intended to be used.

  1. An existing behavour or feature no longer works, or blocks you from performing actions that you previously could do and are still expected to be able to do.

    For example if you open the Contacts main navigation menu, and they receive an error message advising that the Contacts menu failed to load for an unknown reason. This is a bug since its expected that you should be able to open the Contacts menu and it loads all of your contacts.

What is Not A Bug

  1. A "limitation" of the platform.

    For example if you are limited to only allowing to create 20 personal feeds, then if you try to create a 21st feed, you will receive an error mesage advising that you cannot create more feeds. Thus this is expected behaviour and is not a bug.
  2. If you do not have permission to access/use a feature or aspect of the platform, unless it is expected that you should be able to use the feature or aspect.

    For example if you opened a conversation you were previously removed from, then you would not be able to see any new messages posted by others still in the conversation. Thus this is expected behaviour that you don't have permission to view any new messages, and thus is not a bug.
  3. A feature or behaviour that never existed, nor was ever designed to occur.

    For example if the Organisations menu was opened, and for an  organisation you expected to see all people connected to the organisation listed in the menu itself, but the menu never had the capability to do this. This is not a bug because the Organisations menu never had the capability to show connected people in the Organisations menu. This is "wish list" functionality.
  4. An existing behavour or feature no longer works, or blocks you or a system from performing actions that it could previously could do, but are not expected to still be able to do.

    For example on the Organisation Profile page if a release was made that removed the ability for you to see the Locations section on the organisation profile, since that feature was moved into the Organisations menu. This is not a bug since it is expected behaviour that you can no longer see the Locations section on the profile page. You may need to do further learning to be made aware of the feature change, but it is not a bug since the platform was intentionally designed with the feature change in mind. Reading the SQUIZZ Pty Ltd's public feeds may help keep you up to speed on the changes that are being made.

Steps To Report A SQUIZZ.com Platform Bug

  1. First read the sections above to confirm that the problem you've found is a bug, and not a limitation, or expected behaviour when interacting with people, organisations, or systems when using the SQUIZZ.com platform.
  2. If you believe that you have found a bug then perform the following steps:
    1. Open a web browser
    2. Go to squizz.com
    3. Login with your email address and password
    4. Check the Report An Incident feed to see if the bug hasn't already been reported and appears on the feed. If it does appear then there's no need for you to continue on since the bug has already been raised by another person. It may be worth following that feed to stay aware of any further communication that occurs on the bug, or else periodically check the feed for future updates or work-arounds.
  3. If you cannot see any communication within the Report An Incident feed for the bug you believe you have found, then click on the Personal Options menu button (the Avatar icon) in the top menu bar.
  4. Click on Report Feedback/Issue menu item
  5. Click on the Report A Platform Bug button.
  6. Fill out the following fields
    1. Summary
      Enter a short summary of the bug you are experiencing. Include meaningful key words that describe the section of the platform where the bug is occurring, the unexpected behaviour. Here are a couple of examples.
      • Contacts navigation menu displays Unknown Error message when being opened in Firefox browser
      • Import Organisation Data API endpoint fails to import a product with a barcode 20 characters long
    2. Description
      Enter a longer description of the bug that you have found, and the details of the problem. Describe from the point that you logged into SQUIZZ.com platform where you navigated and what actions you performed to get to the bug. What you were expected, and what had occurred. Provide any background information that aids us in being able to find and replicate the problem. For example:
      • After opening the Firefox browser, going to SQUIZZ.com and logging in, when I clicked on the Contacts navigation menu item, when the Contact menu displays it is showing the error message "Unknown eror occurred when loading contacts". Note that this error doesn't appear when I use Google Chrome or Apple Safari web browsers. I only started to notice this error occur 2 weeks ago, after Firefox automatically upgraded its version to 78.11.0.
    3. Operating System
      Select the operating system that you were using when you experienced the bug. If your operating system isn't in the list or you are unsure then choose the "Other" option. If you choose the Other option then in the description put in details of the device and/or manufacturer you were using to cause the bug to occur.
      • If you use an iPhone, or iPad then your operating system is "Apple iOS"
      • If you use a Macbook then your operating system is most likely "Apple OSX"
    4. Operating System Version
      Type the version number of the operating system you were using when you experienced the bug. You can normally find the operating system version number in the System Information area/window/settings/application of the operating system. If unsure then search the internet to determine how you can find the version number for your device.
    5. Application Type
      Select the application that you were using to access SQUIZZ.com when the bug had occurred. If the application doesn't appear in the list then choose the "Other" option, and in the description provide details of the application you were using.
    6. Application Version
      Type the version number of the application you were using when you experienced the bug. For most web browsers the version number typically appears in the About section of the web browser, using found within one of the browser's menu, such as under the Help menu. If you are unsure how to find the version number then search the internet for your application to determine how the version number can be found.
    7. Replication Steps
      Enter the sequence of steps that you performed from the time you first accessed the SQUIZZ.com platform to the point where the bug was found. Place a line for each "action" you performed (mouse click, button press, text typed) to navigate to the bug. The more precise you are the easier you may make it for the developers to replicate your steps, find the bug, and fix the bug. Avoid putting any passwords or sensitive information into the replication steps. For example:

      1. Open a Firefox web browser
      2. Goto SQUIZZ.com
      3. Type in my email address and password
      4. Press the Login button
      5. Click on the Contacts navigation menu button
      6. View the Contacts menu

    8. Actual Result
      Describe the unexpected behaviour that you are seeing after following the replication steps. Be as precise and specific as you can be. This will make it easier for Product Operations team to understand the problem you are seeing and validate that it is a legitimate bug, for example:

      A yellow bar appears at the top of the Contacts menu with the error message "Unknown error occurred when loading contacts"
    9. Expected Result
      Describe the behaviour that you were expecting to see. Be as precise and specific as you can be. For example:

      The Contacts menu displays a list of 25 contacts and no yellow error bar appears.
    10. Impact
      Select the impact that the bug has on you on using the SQUIZZ.com platform. Note that the Product Operations team may change the impact once they have investigated the bug, and have performed additional analysis on the bug.
  7. Click on the Save button

The bug report will have been created and one or more people within the Product Operations team will assess the bug. Depending on the nature of the bug they may update the status and details of the bug, as well as provide any comments and its progress. Once the bug is determined to be legitimate the bug will be placed on a list to be worked on. Depending on its Impact, complexity, and available resources, will determine how quickly a fix is released into the SQUIZZ.com platform for it. A post for the bug may also be created within the Report An Incident feed.